The Left Eye of God


* Take a Closer Look at the Apparatus in a Spiritual Phoenix À Bec of Caodaism (Translated by Hung Kim Nguyen)

* CaoDai, A Faith of Unity (Hum D. Bui, MD)

* Cao Dai Fuses Great Faiths of the World (Patricia Ward Biederman, Times Staff Writer)

* Three Questions (Leo Tolstoy)

* Angel

* Breathing through blockages

* Promoting Vegetaranism: An Interview with Tenzin Kunga Luding

* The World Needs You

* Honoring Transition

* The Structure of CaoDai Teachings

* What goes around comes around

* Changing Violence into Compassion (Rev. Tuyên Hóa)

* Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism are Connected to the Mind (Rev. Tuyên Hóa)

* Caodai, a Way to Harmony (Hum D. Bui, MD)

* Caodaism: A Brief History and Philosophy (Christopher Hartney)

* The Five Precepts (Hum D. Bui, MD)

* Caodai: A Brief History (Hum D. Bui, MD)

* Something of Interest (Marybelle J. Chandler)

* The Unity of Religion and the Unity of Mankind (Faith of Unity)

* Cao-Dai, a way to peace on earth (Hum D. Bui, MD)

* Peace is around the corner (Marion Pargaman)

* Reincarnation (Hum D. Bui, MD)

* Life at Gaden Shartse Tibetan Monastery (Lara)

* We seek God and God seeks us (Faith of Unity)